Crosscutting Issues

Environmental and Social Impact 

Rwanda’s agenda is green. For more than a decade the country has taken a proactive approach and put environment and climate change at the heart of all the country’s policies, programs and plans. The Green City Kigali will be implemented in this context of environmental sustainability ensuring that impacts on the environment are mitigated to provide a clean environment to the citizens of Kigali. 

Women and Youth

The Green City Kigali takes into account how facilities and services affect women, men, youth, children and the old differently. Within the Environmental and Social impacts of the proposed solutions, the aspirations of women, youth and the elderly have been considered as well as how a climate resilient development can be achieved. Applying a so-called gender lens when designing public spaces, houses, transport infrastructure as well as educational, health, commercial and leisure facilities helps to ensure that women have access to jobs, get decision-making opportunities and are empowered. A neighborhood with strong community bonds and safe streets – especially for girls and women. 

Climate Change 

The combination of a difficult topography, high population density, high poverty levels, climate change-related erratic climate events and land degradation such as soil erosion contribute to the high vulnerability of the populations to natural disasters in Kigali and beyond. The Green City Kigali proposes adaptation measures such as to give storm water enough time to infiltrate and avoid high runoff speeds against erosion and downstream flooding and siltation.